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Summer is the perfect time for family sessions at the park, like this lovely afternoon session with a sweet, sweet family with two little boys and a lovely pup in Dundas, Ontario. The warm weather and beautiful scenery at Princess Point made for the perfect backdrop for their playful and lighthearted photos. When capturing moments […]

family, portrait, summer

September 24, 2023

Summer Stroll | Princess Point | Family

June 8, 2023

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A huge miracle in such a tiny little being. Cute, cute squish. The snuggle is real. Welcome to the world precious Mille! I have been fortunate enough to know Amanda and Gavin since they tied the knot. Their wedding was a beautiful affair that still warms my heart. They even shared their touching COVID wedding […]

family, newborn, portrait

Millie | Waterloo | Newborn

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Love this cute little family (especially that little squish! How adorable is she?)! You might have seen this family featured a few times on this blog – they’ve had a lot of special moments happening in their lives in the last little while……and it won’t be the last time they will appear here – that […]

Couples, fall, family, portrait

November 4, 2021

Deanna & Colton | Snowfall in the Park | Family

September 6, 2021

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I was so happy and excited when Amanda and Gavin contacted me and asked if I would take photos of her absolutely adorable little newborn baby girl! Amanda and Gavin have been clients of mine for a little while and I was thrilled to hear that they were going to be expanding their family……I took […]

family, newborn, portrait

Little Sleepy Miss L | Newborn

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To say that these little ones kept us on our toes would be like saying we’ve had a mildly hot summer in 2021……..what fun we had chasing these two around the farm at sunset! There were visits to the chicken coop and bounces on the trampoline and swinging on the swing and running free with […]

family, golden hour, portrait, summer

August 14, 2021

Summer Fun in Elora | Family

July 12, 2021

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I really love this family! I have taken their photos, together and separate, a few times now to celebrate different milestones and it’s just as fun every time I’m with them! And they have been with me from the very beginning, so supportive, encouraging me along the way and helping me to grow my business. […]

family, garden, portrait, summer

Southside Park | Family

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Deanna and Colton’s story will sound familiar to many of you who introduced precious little bundles of joy into this world in either 2020 or 2021. We had planned to do Deanna and Colton’s maternity photos in February or March of 2021 but that got cancelled because of the provincial lockdown. We thought for sure […]

family, garden, newborn, summer

June 30, 2021

Summer Park | Newborn

June 2, 2021

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Not only do I get to do a job that I absolutely love and am passionate about, but every now and again my heart grows extra sizes, even to my own surprise. On those times, it’s without anyone even having to say so, that I feel like I have made a difference for someone. That […]

family, graduation, summer

So long UBC! | Graduation

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As photographers, this is one of the questions we get asked most often after couples and families book with us…..what should I/we wear to our photography session? No matter what you wear, you want to feel confident and relaxed so first and foremost you want to start with clothes that you will love and feel […]

engagements, family, weddings

April 29, 2021

What should we wear?

August 13, 2020

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What fun we had together on this early morning at sunrise in August! Enticing young ones to wipe the sleep out of their eyes and join us in the field for some wonderful family photos on the farm. We shared some laughs, some giggles and even tickles as this extended family made some new memories. […]

family, portrait, summer

Private Farm | Family

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In the midst of record-breaking summer heat (seems we’ve been having a lot of that lately), it was such a privilege for me to ‘mask up’ COVID-19-style and meet this wonderful little family of 4 as they introduced their newest bundle of joy to the world. It is always amazing to me to see how […]

family, golden hour, newborn, summer

July 9, 2020

Summer Forest | Family